Deeds先生滑楼梯、吹口哨听回音还有挠雕塑脚板都很可爱《年轻的岳坶》韩语中字最后的自辩也十分精彩感觉后来James Stewart的名作“Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”就是此片的姐妹篇但两部的分数和观影人数都差得有点多我更喜欢Gary Cooper版的《茅山后裔在线阅读》
他们自己过河唯一能学会的 - The only thing they're gonna learn crossing that 就是怎么死 is how to die. 队长我觉得这条河可不是 . Don't think this is the place to try 过了这河接下来还有落基山更难 t's this to the Rockies, and then it's worse, 如果他们连河都过不了 If they can't cross a fucking river, 那要怎么翻山越岭 how are they gonna cross the mountains 或是我们先要穿过的那片沙漠 or the goddam desert we go through first?